18 november 2008: Bron: 1: Breast. 2008 Nov 11. [Epub ahead of print]Click here to read Links
Visualisatie en ontspanningsoefeningen hebben significant positief effect op immuunwaarden (o.a. T-killercells)  in het bloed van borstkankerpatienten met stadium II en III. Dit blijkt uit een gerandomiseerde studie met vrouwen die werden behandeld voor hun uitgezaaide borstkanker met operatie en chemo daarna. De verschillen in activiteit en aanwezigheid van bepaalde T-cellen waren significant beter dan in de controlegroep en bewijst daarmee dat visualisatie en bewust gerichte ontspanning kan bijdragen aan het voorkomen van een recidief of langere ziektevrije tijd voor borstkankerpatienten met stadium I en II.














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Immuno-modulatory effects of relaxation training and guided imagery in women with locally advanced breast cancer undergoing multimodality therapy: A randomised controlled trial.
Eremin O, Walker MB, Simpson E, Heys SD, Ah-See AK, Hutcheon AW, Ogston KN, Sarkar TK, Segar A, Walker LG.
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, United Kingdom; Section of Surgery, University Hospital, Queen's Medical Centre, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom.
Eighty women undergoing multimodality treatment for large (>4cm) or locally advanced (T3, T4, Tx, N2), breast cancers participated in a randomised controlled trial (RCT) to evaluate the immuno-modulatory effects of relaxation training and guided imagery. Patients underwent chemotherapy followed by surgery, radiotherapy, and hormone therapy. Those in the intervention group were taught relaxation and guided imagery. Patients kept diaries of the frequency of relaxation practice and imagery vividness. On 10 occasions during the 37 weeks following the diagnosis, blood was taken for immunological assays CD phenotyping: T cell subsets (helper, cytotoxic), natural killer (NK) and lymphokine activated killer (LAK) cells, B lymphocytes and monocytes; cytotoxicity: NK and LAK cell activities; cytokines interleukin 1 beta (1beta), 2, 4 and 6 and tumour necrosis factor alpha. Significant between-group differences were found in the number of CD25+ (activated T cells) and CD56+ (LAK cell) subsets. The number of CD3+ (mature) T cells was significantly higher following chemotherapy and radiotherapy, in patients randomised to relaxation and guided imagery. Using a median split, women who rated their imagery ratings highly had elevated levels of NK cell activity at the end of chemotherapy and at follow-up. Significant correlations were obtained between imagery ratings and baseline corrected values for NK and LAK cell activity, and IL1beta. Relaxation frequency correlated with the number of CD4+ (T helper) cells, the CD4+:8+ (helper:cytotoxic) ratio, and IL1beta levels. Relaxation training and guided imagery beneficially altered putative anti-cancer host defences during and after multimodality therapy. Such changes, to the best of our knowledge, have not been previously documented in a RCT.
PMID: 19008099 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]



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